Recording illness, maternity and paternity benefit

Sage Help Centre

It's a fact that at some point in time, most people will miss work through sickness or maternity/paternity leave. When they do you will need to process their benefit payments using Micropay.

From the qualifying and entitlement rules, to handy hints about recording illness, maternity and paternity benefit, you'll find everything you need in this Help Centre.

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As an employer, you need to be aware of some key bits of information about sickness leave. From qualifying and entitlement rules to how you record illness payments correctly on your payroll, you can find everything you need right here.

What you need to know about illness benefit

Qualifying for illness benefit

Your obligation to pay employees on illness leave

Receiving illness benefit

Taxing illness benefit

Recording illness benefit in your software

It's compulsory for you to record illness benefit payments on your payroll, regardless of whether the employee or employer receives the welfare payments.  You report illness benefit to Revenue at year end on your P35 submissions and on the employee's P60s.

Before you start

As an employer, you need to be aware of some key bits of information about maternity leave and pay. From qualifying and entitlement rules to how you record maternity payments correctly on your payroll, you can find everything you need right here.

What you need to know about maternity benefit

Qualifying for maternity leave

Your obligation to pay employees on maternity leave

Applying for maternity benefit

Taxing maternity benefit

Recording maternity benefit in your software

Before you start

To record maternity benefit in Sage Micropay

As an employer, you need to be aware of some key bits of information about paternity leave and pay. From qualifying and entitlement rules to how you record paternity payments correctly on your payroll, you can find everything you need right here.

What you need to know about paternity leave

Qualifying for paternity leave

Your obligation to pay employees on paternity leave

Applying for paternity benefit

Taxing paternity benefit

Recording paternity benefit in your software

Before you start

To record paternity benefit in Sage Micropay

Here you can see what you’re asking us about recording illness, maternity and paternity benefit.

How do I record illness benefit for employees who aren't returning to work in the current tax year?

Can I exclude an employee on long time absence from my payroll?

Should I save a zero value timesheet for an employee whose on sickness or maternity/paternity leave?